A Brush With Nature
June 4, 2021
Humphrey History Park and Museum
A Place to Remember
620 Soda Creek Road
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
Beverly’s travels and love of animals often dictate the direction of her art. Whether painting penguins in the Antarctic, cats in Siem Reap or Bedouin Nomads in Petra, Beverly uses her impressionistic style to capture the behaviors and personalities of the animals and people she
Hours: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
19th Annual Art of the Hoof
June 5th
Hosted by Cheyenne Mountain Zoo AAZK
VIP Room, Norris Penrose Event Center
1045 Lower Gold Camp Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Art on the Hoof is a fundraising art show and auction that showcases local artists and helps support your local American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK) chapter! It features nature and animal inspired works of art. Guests receive admission, drink tickets, and an art drawing ticket. Drawings will occur throughout the evening. When a ticket is chosen, the guest chooses a work of art. The drawings will continue until all guests have chosen a piece of art to take home.
Beverly will be donating a custom piece to the auction - "We have a Weiner" as well as providing a demonstration of her techniques for creating custom masterpieces.